This is man's manual. And for women, read it closely.
I just can't understand why man could be so stupid and clueless when it comes to dating life. In my case, the last one I still remember, it was apparently happened to my ex-boyfriend.
As I've told you before, he was the one who called for the break-up without trying to meet me in person at the first place. But yet, guess what, he blamed me because I once had refused to meet him first. The rest is off the record.
What I'm trying to point out here is, that he didn't put many efforts so hard in order to meet me. I know he could've tried harder... but hedidn't. All he did was only waiting for my positive response to affirm his meeting invitation. Gah.
I mean, oh my, he could just dropped in to my house, brought some roses or chocolates or perhaps one of Hallmark's apology greeting cards, and said hello. No matter how mad I was to you that time, my heart will definitely melt if you do so. If only.
Maybe for you, MEN, it's me who was so fool and ridiculous for not telling him the truth. But for me, YOU should've known what your girl wants!
Ok, I admit I was wrong. I was expecting TOO MUCH.
After reading guy guide section: danny's dating life on FEMALE magazine and having conversations with some boyfriends, I finally get a clue.
Men often forget about dates (birthday, anniversary, etc), but they are very welcome with friendly reminders from their women. They aren't proud of it, but they admit it is one of their characteristics.
Men don't like to be lectured or blamed of something they don't know. If something wrong happens, talk to them IMMEDIATELY. Don't just keep in silent and expect them to understand and realize it themselves cos they won't. Trust me.
Men can't fully focus if they are busy at one thing. So if you want to make a promise, ask him whether he is busy or not. Otherwise, you may get hurt if he forgets what he has promised before.
And finally, never use body language to express what you want, use verbal one. Most of men are difficult to understand body language. That's why raving is better than keeping silent.
After all, the conclusion is simply communication. Always try to be opened to your couple and don't forget to learn from mistakes. Remember, great lover are not born but made.
Any objection, gentlemen??
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